Grip. That was the intention. Make a plastic that feels great and is easy to throw. Origio is that solution. In the same way that Prime for Dynamic Discs and Retro for Latitude 64 brought this incredible plastic to their line of discs, Origio now makes your favorite Westside discs feel that much better.
Product Points: 7 Points$14.00
The Harp is a most reliable approach disc. Designed to withstand and type of conditions. It will hold in the wind. In BT Soft plastic, the Harp is very flexible and feels great in your hand. Use the soft in cold weather and it will still have that soft feel. Use the BT stiff in the summer and it will still hold its shape.
For professional players this could be there only approach disc they will need to carry as it can hold anyone’s arm speed and still hyzer. For slower arms it will be your most over stable approach disc.
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